5 Reasons To Get To Know Your Professors

At Eagle University, we teach you how to work smart. As September ends and you get acclimated to your new class schedule, we recommend you take the time to get to know your professors and here’s why:

5 Reasons to Get to Know Your Professors


  1. Build up your brag book with letters of recommendation. When I was in school, one of my professors told me that only 2 out of every 200 students attend office hours. Although it was staggering, that percentage was music to my ears. It meant that just by studying in the right location, I could stand out from the rest of the class. By doing so, I was able to build up my brag book with letters of recommendation at the end of every semester. Teachers LOVE to HELP students that are INTERESTED!
  2. Access to extra scholarships. Most universities offer scholarships each year that are based solely on professor recommendation. By getting to know your professor & being INTERESTED you’ll be a stand out candidate for extra cash towards your degree. Additionally, if you hear about a scholarship like this, it never hurts to just ASK for it! Be sure to communicate with your professors about your goals too!
  3. Practice networking like an adult. The professor/student relationship is one that should be professional and intentional. This is an awesome opportunity to start practicing interviewing for information. It might also be your first relationship with someone on a professional level. The skills taught for mentor roundtable day at Eagle U, directly apply to the way you should present yourself  and act with your professors. REMEMBER: Many professors were not always professors. You never know who they know or what else they’re involved in. Have your “elevator speech” ready! (7 second “commercial about what you’re doing now, and where you’re headed next.)
  4.  Have motivation to do well in the class! If you get to know the professor, you’ll have accountability to do better in the class. I recommend getting to know the professor especially if you have little interest in the class. I found that if the professor knew me by name, I was less likely to skip class or scroll through Twitter during boring lectures because I knew they’d call me out on it! In the long run, that accountability was crucial for my GPA to keep my scholarships. It was a guardrail I set to keep myself on course and I recommend you do the same!
  5. Some professors make great mentors. Especially as you begin to take upper level courses, your professors will have direct experience and connections with the job you’re pursuing. Since you’re an Eagle U Alum and you already have your goal in mind, be sure to share it with your professors and ASK for help. Remember that like all mentors, professors are busy and it’s a relationship that takes time. Therefore, you need to take the first step in the process! Attend office hours, ask questions, or stay a few minutes after class. These little decisions will give you a slight edge that will completely set you apart at the end of your college career!

Now over to YOU eagles! Do you have any advice for getting to know your professors? How have your professors helped you get ahead? Can you think of other reasons to get to know them?  Thanks for reading! 


This is a guest post by Eagle University’s social media rep, Madison Lanz. She attended Biola University and studied communications with a minor in Biblical Studies. She now works as a lifestyle blogger and social media guru in California. Read more here.

Eagle Vision With Hayden Spitz

This week we got the chance to catch up with all-star team leader, Hayden. He shared his experience facing failure, ditching turkeys, must read book titles to stay motivated and more!


“Go out of your comfort zone as much as you can and take advantage of opportunity when it comes even if it scares you.”

Hayden Spitz is not your average freshman in college. When he’s not busy as a full time student at University of New Hampshire, he’s volunteering, reading books like “Richest Man in Babylon”, singing in his acapella group, brainstorming new business ideas, and making time to call every member of his family every single week.


If that wasn’t enough he even scheduled time for a phone interview with us on his birthday! Thank you Hayden! Can’t wait to see what you accomplish this year!

Here are some applicable takeaways from our conversation:

  1. “If you’re in college, be sure your goals are up in your dorm. Even though you’re sharing a room with one or more roommates, it’s the most important element of your room decor, no matter what other people think when they see it.”
  2.  “After I attended Eagle U I realized I needed to focus more on my relationships. They are the most important and rewarding element of my life. I make a point to spend quality time with the people I cherish most and call my parents, and grandparents at least once per week. It’s just so important to check in & you can’t take it for granted.”
  3. “For me, negative energy is enough to warrant someone as a turkey that I don’t have time for. There are way too many awesome people worth spending time with. That’s why I join so many clubs, and extracurricular activities. I don’t leave myself any time for turkeys.”
  4. “A book you should DEFINITELY read is The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason. I’ve read it three times now and no other book has resonated so much with me about true success in life. I think it’s valuable for all ages.”
  5. “As an S, and for other S’s out there, we care a lot about other people’s opinion. I’ve realized that it’s not about validation, it’s just an awareness because I care. It’s important to be able to distinguish that as an adult.”
  6. “My biggest challenge is time management because I’m involved in so many things. Every night I go over my schedule and adapt it as needed. I try to keep in mind that it’s also important for me to enjoy and relax each day too.”
  7. “I’ve definitely failed and I think that’s part of life. All I can say is if you’re not prepared, you’re going to miss the opportunity. I think that’s why Eagle U is so important.”
  8. “My advice for high schoolers about college, be sure to do/major in what YOU are passionate about and enjoy. Not what your teachers think, or parents wish for necessarily. Surround yourself with like-minded people and make decisions carefully. There’s no such thing as throw away years! The extra stuff you’re doing will be worth it.”



What’s Your Number?

Every morning when we wake up there’s a giant number written on our forehead.  We get dressed and go on with our day, carrying this number with us along the way.  Our magical number lets the world know how extraordinary we are.  Each person we come into contact with can read it…

…but who put this number there? 

We did! Whether we realize it or not, each day we tell the world how awesome (or not so awesome) we feel about who we are.

Sometimes we unknowingly scribble a “5” up there.  Before we know it, our entire day has become less than extraordinary and we end up feeling pretty average.  Soon others catch on, and they start to think of us as just a “5” too.  Thanks to the law of attraction, we are now running with a whole crew of “5”s…

…but why hang with “5”s when you can hang with “10”s?

Think about it: We  get to select the number we walk around with every single day.  If we wake up in the morning and put on our “10”, everyone around us will start to notice us as “10”s, too! The truth is that the world takes us at our own estimate.  If we don’t think highly of ourselves, how can we expect others to do the same?

As “10”s, we attract even more “10”s into our lives!  The more we treat ourselves as “10”s and encourage others to do the same, the more extraordinary the group of eagles we flock with will become!

Action Item: Wake up each morning, take our your imaginary marker and draw a 10 on your forehead!

Use Social Media To Get Ahead!

Social media speak is such a big part of our everyday lingo.  I say “like” and “tag” more times in one day than my dog’s name!  And whether we like it (pun intended!) or not, who we are on social media affects how people see us in REAL life.

Sometimes we forget, what we think of as sarcastic or funny might not always be seen that way.  Social media has the ability to INFLUENCE who people think you are…or are not.

Your college admissions counselor might take a peek at Facebook while reviewing applications because she wants to know what kind of characters she’s bringing on campus!  As she’s browsing through posts, she comes across your rant from last Wednesday after you blew that math final: “UGH! I HATE SCHOOL! I am quitting, who is with me?”  If she was on the fence about admitting you, that might just tip the scales.

Be cautious about what you “like” and who you “follow”.  It’s easy for people to check out your interests and likes on Facebook.   As a hiring manager, I often checked out the social media presence of applicants.   I was surprised at the information people made public on their Facebook accounts!  Trust me, the girl who just liked the page “Lazy People Problems”, didn’t make it too far in the application process.

Sometimes, we just need to put a little more thought into the image we create of ourselves online.   Instead of shutting down your account or blocking everyone under the sun, consider asking yourself these two questions when creating your online content:

  1. What does this post or photo say about who I am?  Does it fit with how I want others to perceive me?
  2. Would I be embarrassed if a future employer, professor, or college admissions board read this post or saw this photo?

Social media is meant to be fun.  It’s also meant to be an expression of ourselves, but we can’t deny the fact that it has turned into an online platform for self-marketing.  Take advantage of that!  Showcase your skills, your positive relationships, your good nature, etc.  Use your social media presence to make future employers and admissions boards WANT you as part of their organization or school.

Your Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter accounts can give you a competitive advantage and career head start if you make the right moves.

Use Your Network To Meet Your Dream Mentor!


Last week we reviewed the importance of interviewing for information—but we left out the most important step to making that happen!

In order to copy the genius of others, we need to get in front of them first.  We often fantasize about the high profile leaders we dream of meeting, eventually convincing ourselves there’s no way we could ever get connected to an Oprah, Donald Trump or Ashton Kutcher.

As Eagles, we aren’t intimidated by the challenge! We know that if we want to be the best, then we need to learn from the people making it happen in a big way.

How do we get to these people though?

We are closer than we think.  All we have to do is EVALUATE our networks and ASK.

Think of the mentors you’d like to have in your life.  You can list specific names of future mentors or list general qualities you’d like to see in a future mentor.  Now, think of the network of people in your life (parents, family, friends, professors, classmates, coworkers, etc.), and ASK them who they can introduce you to from your list.  You might be surprised at the connections you can make by simply asking!

Let’s review: You are closer than you think to the people you want to learn from, all you have to do is EVALUATE YOUR NETWORK and ASK.

Action ItemList three mentors you’d like to meet and identify who in your network can help you meet that person.


At Eagle U, students will learn and practice the process of identifying the 7 Circles to getting the mentors they want in their lives.  Check out our July 7th-11th program at the University of Louisville this summer! Email Maria@EagleUniversity.org for more information.

Be Interested, Not Interesting

It was the summer after my senior year in high school and I was sitting down to chat with some of the top leaders at NBC Universal.  I started to get a little nervous.  What was I going to say?  Lucky for me, I had just spent a week at Eagle U learning exactly how to interview for information.

Back in high school, I was interested in becoming a journalist or news anchor, and I wanted to soak up the genius from people who were already out there doing it!   I didn’t want these people to give me a job or internship; I just wanted them to talk to me about their career.  What I really needed to figure out was what to say when I got in the room so I could really get to know their story.

At Eagle U that summer, I remember learning the key to interviewing for information:


In order to show our interest in someone, we need to show that we’ve done our homework.  Before you sit down with someone to ask about their journey look up their LinkedIN profile, check out their bio online, or even ask someone who might know them for background information.

Most importantly, when you get the chance to actually sit down and interview with this person, make sure you keep the focus on their journey.  Be genuinely interested in their story and do not try to impress them with your personal successes.  The purpose of interviewing for information is to COPY GENIUS not to land an internship.

The more often you repeat this exercise with people who are successfully doing what it is you want (or might want) to do, the greater leap you will take towards your own successful future!


Who are 2 people you want to interview for information?  Research their background online and come up with 3 questions you would want to ask each of them. 


Build Your Own Success Dream Team!


What if I told you that you could have your own success dream team?  There are successful people out there waiting for you to soak up their genius!  These four actions will help you develop meaningful relationships with those people who are out there already doing what it is you want to do!


You will be surprised at how willing people are to help you if you simply take the opportunity to ASK them.  Identify people who are doing what it is that you want to do, and ASK them if they will share their story with you.  You can use this as a basis for identifying who might make a meaningful match for you as a mentor.   Once you’ve made that connection, ASK if they would be okay with you following up with them for guidance and advice.

Follow Up.

Okay, so you took the step to ASK someone for advice, support, or guidance. It is now your responsibility to follow up with that person.  Don’t wait for them to reach out!

Create a specific plan for follow up with your mentor so that you know you are respecting their time and personal workload.  Do not overflow their inbox with messages or questions.  Instead, develop an agreed upon communication plan to keep in touch.

Reflect & Take Action.

Take time to reflect on the advice or guidance given to you by your mentors.  Make sure you carefully consider how their wisdom can be applied to your specific situation.   To skip the trial and error process so many of us make, copy the genius of those who are doing what it is you want to do and avoid the potential setbacks.

Set a goal for implementing your mentor’s advice.  Is it a short-term or long-term action item?  Make sure you create a time frame for your goal that makes sense, and then take actions that align with that goal!

Show Gratitude.

By simply being interested in someone else, you are giving the ultimate compliment! However, it is important to follow up your mentor sessions with a message of gratitude or appreciation to further show them how valuable they are to you.

The art of the handwritten thank you note is not dead! Yes, this might seem like an ancient practice in our tech-driven society, but stop and think about it for a quick second…when you receive a hand written note, how special does it make you feel? It takes a few quick seconds to send an email, but writing a note, stamping it, and mailing it to someone requires personal effort on your part.  It shows that individual that you value his or her time and advice.

You can use this process to attract mentors into your life who you want to “copy” in some way, whether it be their professional path, their relationships, their spirituality, or more.


In the next week, identify ONE mentor you’d like to have in your life and ASK them to share their story with you.  Once you get the process started, you are on your way to building your own success dream team!

The Law Of Attraction in Action

What do you want to be doing in life? What makes you move and gives you energy?

In order to get MORE of what we WANT and LESS of what we DON’T WANT, we need to be observant of what is around us.  Leaders maximize resources.  They look at what’s around them to figure out where they can find more of the “good” stuff that they want in their lives.  Then, they FOCUS on attracting it!

Remember, the Law of Attraction never fails!  What we focus on expands.  Where our energy goes, we go!

We must continue to put forth energy and action towards continuously improving ourselves. Leaders don’t believe in limited resources.  They believe in maximizing whatever resources are available.  A leader is constantly learning and constantly attracting more of what he or she wants into his or her life.

What are you attracting into your life RIGHT NOW? Does it align with the leader you want to become?

-Contributor: Eagle U Alum, John Carney

Slam Dunk Your Success

By now most of us have lost hope on our billion dollar bracket, as our March Madness brackets are inked with RED.  Hey, at least we took a shot, right?

But looking back at the underdog teams like the Dayton Flyers, I can’t help but think to myself, how could they, against all odds, make it so unexpectedly far?  It’s safe to say a majority of people picked Dayton’s opponents early on to move to the next round, not Dayton.

Despite the cards being stacked against these underdog teams, though, many of them pressed on, further than most of us expected.

It brings us to an important reality: so often we are wrong about who or what will succeed.  We get caught up focusing on who “should” win that we forget to live “in the game”.  Each team, like each of us, faces moments when they must come to play, put their best foot forward, and compete for their goals.  

But what if each team played according to how much others believed in their ability to win? We surely wouldn’t be shaking our heads at our destroyed brackets.

More importantly, though, what if we achieved only as far as others believed we could?

Life for us is like March Madness.  When others hear of our goals and dreams, they often times place “bets” on the likelihood of us achieving these goals and dreams.  Sure, we may never know what they truly think, but what if their “bet” drove our outcome? 

We’d rarely succeed if our success depended on what other people thought of our dreams.  Lucky for us, we don’t let the “bets” others place on us determine the course of our future.

Others can “bet” (and they will!), but we will set goals and align our actions to meet those goals despite what anyone has stacked against us.

We can’t allow someone’s wager on us to determine if we will or will not succeed. 

We’ve got to work for our goals and stay focused on what we believe we can achieve.  One of my favorite quotes says it best:

“If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you.”  -Jim Rohn